Posts categorized “Solaris”.

Installing Solaris 11 Express domU under CentOS 5 dom0

First, download Solaris 11 Express from Oracle.

Install Solaris 11 Express HVM domU with virt-install:

virt-install -n sx11 -r 2048 --vcpus=4 --os-type=solaris --os-variant=opensolaris \
-v -c /path/to/sol-11-exp-201011-text-x86.iso --disk path=sx11.img,size=20 \
-b br1 --vnc --noautoconsole

Of course, adjust domU memory (-r), vcpus, path to Solaris 11 Express DVD, disk path, network bridge (-b).

After installation has started, you can connect to the VNC display. First, determine which port:

virsh vncdisplay sx11

Finish the installation as usual. After reboot, you can start the Solaris 11 Express domU:

virsh start sx11

or have the domain autostarted at dom0 boot:

virsh autostart sx11

Or disable autostarting

virsh autostart --disable sx11


Opensolaris b129 dom0 system clock offset problem

Please see below my solution to OpenSolaris bug ID 6908973, posted to xen-discuss list:

– set BIOS time to UTC

– set zone_info=UTC and zone_lag=0 in /etc/rtc_config

– set TZ=UTC in /etc/TIMEZONE

– enable ntpd

– after reboot the dom0’s time should be the correct UTC time

– shutdown all domUs; for each xVM domain remove the rtc_timeoffset

xm list -l domain | grep -v rtc_timeoffset > domain.sxp
xm new -F domain.sxp

– reconfigure each guest domain with BIOS time set to UTC

Hope this helps.

(Open)Solaris, Linux and FreeBSD IPv6 setup

After you create a Regular Tunnel at Hurricane Electric‘s you will receive the following informations:

Server IPv4 Address
Server IPv6 Address
Client IPv4 Address
Client IPv6 Address
Routed /64

Solaris and OpenSolaris IPv6 tunnel setup

Create /etc/hostname6.ip.tun0 file:
tsrc Client_IPv4_Address tdst Server_IPv4_Address up
addif Client_IPv6_Address Server_IPv6_Address up

Add the permanent IPv6 default gateway:
route -p add -inet6 default Server_IPv6_Address

(Tested on Solaris 10 5/09 and 10/09, OpenSolaris 2009.06 and 2010.02 preview snv_127)

Linux (RHEL / Fedora / CentOS) IPv6 tunnel setup

Create /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-sit1 file:


Add the following to /etc/sysconfig/network file:


(Tested with Fedora 11 and 12, CentOS 5.3 and 5.4)

FreeBSD IPv6 tunnel setup

Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf file:

gifconfig_gif0="Client_IPv4_Address Server_IPv4_Address"
ipv6_network_interfaces="lo0 gif0"
ipv6_ifconfig_gif0="Client_IPv6_Address prefixlen 128"

(Tested with FreeBSD 6.4)

Installing Fedora 12 PV domU guest on xVM dom0 OpenSolaris

Create a 10 GB ZVOL for storage:
pfexec zfs create -V 10g rpool/f12d0

Install Fedora 12 domU:
pfexec virt-install -n f12 -r 512 --vcpus=4 -f /dev/zvol/dsk/rpool/f12d0 -b e1000g0 --os-type=linux -p --nographics --os-variant=fedora11 -l http://fedora-12-mirror/fedora/linux/releases/12/Fedora/i386/os/

-n f12 – domU’s name
-r 512 – allocate 512 MB memory
–vcpus=4 – number of virtual CPUs allocated (make sure this number is lower or equal to the number of CPUs available)
-f /dev/zvol/dsk/rpool/f12d0 – ZVOL block device
-b e1000g0 – bridged networking to e1000g0 interface
-p – paravirtualized guest
–os-variant=fedora11 – “hack” until fedora12 OS-Variant will be integrated into xVM
-l http://fedora-12-mirror/fedora/linux/releases/12/Fedora/i386/os/ – replace fedora-12-mirror with a near Fedora 12 mirror, replace i386 with x86_64 for 64-bit domU

After you bring up the network, do a VNC installation.
Until xVM supports ext4 boot, make sure to create an ext3 /boot partition (or just a big ext3 / filesystem)

After installation, start the domU:
pfexec xm start -c f12
You will be presented the pygrub menu, just press Enter to boot.

Log into the domU and change the default timeout=0 to a different value (e.g. 5 seconds) in /boot/grub/grub.conf. Now you can use virsh start / shutdown commands.

To auto-start the guest on host boot:
virsh autostart f12

Tested on OpenSolaris 2010.02 preview snv_127.

OpenSolaris 2009.06 to OpenSolaris preview 2010.02 (build 124)

Create a new Boot Environment:
pfexec beadm create devel

Mount the new Boot Environment:
pfexec mkdir /mnt/devel
pfexec beadm mount devel /mnt/devel

Use the dev publisher:
pfexec pkg -R /mnt/devel set-publisher -O

Update to the latest bits:
pfexec pkg -R /mnt/devel image-update -v

If everything went fine (after you read the Release Notes), activate the new BE:
pfexec beadm activate devel

pfexec shutdown -y -g1 -i6

Did this remotely. After reboot, system was up and running, including all xVM domU autostarted.

libima should get over pkginfo love

From Solaris Patch 119091-34

Problem Description:

6801126 libima should get over pkginfo love

I sure hope libima got over pkginfo love!

Source NAT on Solaris 10 5/08 quick how-to

Enable ipv4 forwarding:

routeadm -u -e ipv4-forwarding

Configure NAT in /etc/ipf/ipnat.conf (replace e1000g0 with your outside interface, with your LAN IP range):

map e1000g0 -> 0/32 proxy port ftp ftp/tcp
map e1000g0 -> 0/32 portmap tcp/udp auto
map e1000g0 -> 0/32

Enable ipf:

svcadm enable network/ipfilter

Solaris 10 1/06

Just updated to Solaris 10 1/06 on my laptop.

Notable changes: grub is used instead of old boot assistant and console is not white on black 🙂

Still not convinced why Java Desktop System is better than CDE 🙂
Installed firefox, thunderbird 1.5 and a bunch of stuff from Solaris Companion DVD (just needed pico or nano but finally I did install about 300MB…) Old habits die hard!

Very usable system, StarOffice just works, still no sound (audio810 does not work as advertised, everybody says it should work ‘out of the box’ on my hardware).

IP aliases in Solaris

ifconfig iprb0:1 plumb
ifconfig iprb0:1 A.B.C.D netmask E.F.G.H up

to enable at boot time:
put host_name in /etc/hostname.iprb0:1 and add host_name entry in /etc/hosts, perhaps in /etc/netmasks if you don’t use a canonical netmask.

Solaris desktop

From yesterday I am using Solaris 10 on my laptop. I’ve removed Windows and FreeBSD. Works like a charm (except sound), includes StarOffice, I’ve installed Firefox, Thunderbird and OpenOffice. No problems so far. CDE with DarkGold color theme is my favourite for almost eight years, since I’ve installed Solaris 1.0beta on a SUN Workstation.

uname -a output:

SunOS laptop 5.10 Generic_118844-20 i86pc i386 i86pc